#01. Tagebuch-eins-
#02. Colors Lyric:桜璃 Compose:一貴
#03. Tagebuch-zwei-
#04. Zehn Gebote Lyric:桜璃 Compose:taqumi
#05. Tagebuch-drei-
#06. 傷痕 Lyric:桜璃 Compose:中島 岬
#07. Tagebuch-vier-
#08. ふたりの聖女-アリス- Vocal:桜璃、uco Lyric:uco Compose:kei+m
#09. Tagebuch-funf-
#10. Coward Child Lyric:桜璃 Compose:刹那
#11. Tagebuch-sechs-
#12. Calling You Vocal:桜璃、まやかし Lyric:スナフキン(桜璃) Compose:スナフキン(桜璃、まやかし)
#13. Tagebuch-sieben-
#14. Starlight Lyric:桜璃 Compose:鶺 Arrange:Gifgy
#15. Tagebuch-acht-
#16. Hopes of the tool Lyric:桜璃 Compose:Isami
#17. Tagebuch-neun-
#18. 歴史書の栞 Lyric:桜璃 Compose,Chorus:音冶
#19. Tagebuch-zehn-
#20. 箱庭の夢幻劇 Vocal:桜璃、氷上史弥 Lyric:桜璃 Compose:甲斐ユウ
#21. Tagebuch-elf-
#22. Fairyland Lyric:桜璃 Compose,Chorus:龍5150
#23. Tagebuch-zwolf-
#24. Loreley Lyric:桜璃 Compose:Ryo Chorus:鈴葉ユミ